Friday, August 5, 2011

Be on HGTV

This is the height of being frugal . . . allowing the cameras and crews of an HGTV show into your home and being rewarded with a new kitchen, room, a redecorating project . . . whatever . . . most of them are free!  OMG . . . I only wish I had the nerve!

The people at HGTV are seeking participants for new episodes that will soon go into production.  

Click here to check out the list of what they are looking for!

Actually . . . I'd love to run into Ahmed from Yard Crashers at Home Depot . . .


Go Green! said...

I have given my husband strict instructions that if he runs into Ahmed that he is to bring him home immediately!

Gina Alfani said...

LOL . . . I love one of the commercials for Yard Crashers . . . the lady says "Ahmed swooped in like the Backyard Batman . . ."

He's done some awesome yards!