Saturday, August 6, 2011

Free Jar Labels

Do you can or preserve your own preserves or vegetables from your garden?

If you do or know someone who does . . . check out Jenny's blog, A World of Crafts.  

Click here for a link to some awesome jar labels!  They are so cute . . . and are free!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Be on HGTV

This is the height of being frugal . . . allowing the cameras and crews of an HGTV show into your home and being rewarded with a new kitchen, room, a redecorating project . . . whatever . . . most of them are free!  OMG . . . I only wish I had the nerve!

The people at HGTV are seeking participants for new episodes that will soon go into production.  

Click here to check out the list of what they are looking for!

Actually . . . I'd love to run into Ahmed from Yard Crashers at Home Depot . . .

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Frugal Household Remedies

I love discovering new uses for stuff that is
already on hand, much less inexpensive or a 
quick fix for those pesky household problems.  

Here are a few . . . 

Use ketchup to remove tarnish from copper and brass cookware. Squeeze ketchup onto a cloth and rub it on pots and pans. Rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.

Does anyone have a natural remedy for cleaning stainless steel cookware?

Use oatmeal to scrub very dirty hands. Make a thick paste of oatmeal and water . . . rinse well.

Use glycerin to remove dried wax drippings from candlesticks. Peel off as much wax as possible, then moisten a cotton ball with glycerin and rub until clean.

Scuffed Linoleum

Rub the spot with white toothpaste and a dry cloth or with an eraser. Or spray WD-40 on a towel and rub lightly, making sure to degrease the area afterward with liquid dishwashing soap and water.

Stuck Sliding Windows

A little silicone spray lubricant (sold at hardware stores) will grease the skids. Spray it onto a rag and wipe along the tracks.

Stained Tub

Combine equal amounts of cream of tartar and baking soda with enough lemon juice to make a paste. Rub the mixture into the stain with your fingers or a soft cloth. Let sit for a half hour, then rinse well with water.

Clogged drains 
Sprinkle 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain, then pour 1 cup of white vinegar. Follow immediately with 2 cups of boiling water. It will fizz and bubble then "poof" your drain will become unclogged. Do this once a month to keep drains free and clear.