The cost of a Halloween costume can be very pricey.
Why not get some frugal inspiration from the following list,
get creative and come up with your own Halloween costume?
Do you really want to look like everyone else
on Halloween night? Be unique!
Cruise the thrift stores to get some ideas . . . think Halloween creativity as you look through all that stuff. Click on the link for an insightful article about thrift stores and Halloween.
Have you ever used face paint? It can be very inexpensive and easy to find at your local party store. Some of the most awesome Halloween looks involved face paint and no elaborate costume!
How about Homemade Halloween Masks? You can come up with an awesome mask with little supplies . . . equates to fabulous and frugal. Click on the link to Woman's Day for some ideas.
Look around the house . . . revamped old clothes or recycled items (like garbage bags) can become a unique and interesting Halloween costume for a fraction of the cost of a purchased costume . . . or better yet . . . free.
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